Sunday, December 6, 2009

Precious II

Today I was driving and reflecting on the movie precious and I got a very interesting thought. Precious went through a whole lot. She was obese. She was physically abused. She was emotionally abused. She was sexually abused by her father. She was illiterate. she live in a raggedy house in a raggdy neighborhood. And, in the end, she found out she had HIV. However, despite all the bad things that happened to her, I noticed that her name never changed; she was still called Precious. I hope this encourages someone today. That no matter what you experience in life, you will alway be precious:)


Thursday, December 3, 2009

If Tyler did it, so can you

I don't know how many of you have heard Tyler Perry's story but he has come a long way. He grew up in a home with an father who was verbally and physically abusive. As a result, he tried to kill himself. He even dropped out of high school at age six teen. Furthermore, Perry's plays about Madea failed numerous time. Nevertheless, he continued to endure and he is now one of the most successful African American writers and producers that ever lived. I recently read something that said Perry made $75 million dollars, which made him close to being one of the top five highest paid men in Holywood.
I wrote this to encourage others to never give up on your dreams. It does not matter how your life started out, you can still achieve your dreams. It does not matter what oppositions you are currently facing, you can still achieve your dreams. Not only can you achieve them, but you can do exceedingly, abundantly, above all you can ever imagine. How? I wholeheartedly agree with Perry...only with the assistance of God. If God did it for Perry, he will do it for you and me. Remember, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.


Why Did I Get Married

I've heard numerous people say that "Why Did I Get Married" is the best movie Perry has every made. The short synopsis of the movie is that several married couples gathered for a weekend trip to search their soul and discuss why they decided to marry their spouses. Though most of the marriages were good, numerous "bad" things happened over time that made them ponder if they made they right decision; if they needed to stay with their spouses.
As I think about the fact that those couples raised that question in the movie, I believe God has asked himself that question billions of time. The NT Testament speaks about how God is married to the church and that we are his bride. I'm sure if any of us were to take a short evaluation of some of the things we've done just today, we would have to agree we haven't been the best partner to God. But we are not the first ones to disappoint God. The Israelites in the Old Testament did the same. In an effort explain how God feels when we do "bad" things, God used the prophet Hosea to tell the story about his cheating wife. At the end of the day, despite all the cheating and illegitimate kids she had, Hosea took his wife back because he loved her and, most importantly, because he made a covenant to remain in relationship in sickness and health, good or bad, until death do us apart.. The same is true for us. Regardless of how much wrong we do, God still loves us and he honors his covenant.


Tyler Perry, God, and Jesus

A few years ago I wrote a sermon for my youth group in which I used Tyler Perry and his numerous roles to explain God and his numerous roles. Though I know this example falls apart on so many levels, my youth still found it helpful. First, Tyler Perry conceives all of his plays and movies in his mind. He then turns around and writes the script, from beginning to end, for what he conceived in his mind. Perry then uses all of his resources to make what he initially saw in his mind come to life. What's most interesting is that though Perry is the creator, write, and producer, he is also the leading character, Madea, in most of his work. Is it me or does this help us understand God a little better? God conceived the world and everything in it in his mind. God (author and finisher of our faith) wrote the script for what he created. God then uses all of his resources to ensure what he conceived and wrote comes to pass. Finally, Jesus, God reincarnated, will forever be the leading character because he died for all of our sins. Hey, you may not like this comparison, but it worked for my kids:)


Meet the Browns

I think the Brown family is one of the most dysfunctional family I've ever seen. Everybody in the family has problems. I mean I can dedicate numerous blogs to the multiple issues with Mr. Brown. Nevertheless, I didn't write the blog to pick on the Browns, rather, I wrote thhis blog because I wanted to note that all families are dysfunctional in some way or another. Just in case you think your family has issues, consider all of the dysfunctional things prominent families in the Bible did. Abraham's wife, Sarah, gave him permission to marry her servant, Hagar, and then she turned around and tripped out on Hagar by ultimately having her thrown out the house. Lot offered his daughters to strangers in an effort to show his visitors hospitality. Jacob's brothers sold him into slavery because they were jealous. Moses's sister, Miriam, dogged out his black wife behind his back. David's son dethroned his father and made him flee for his life in the wilderness. In short, our families are not the only dysfunctional families God has dealt with. The good news is that though all of these families were dysfunctional, every last one of them were still blessed and highly favored by God. All I'm trying to say is that God is powerful enough and loving enough to bless us despite our dysfunction.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Laugh to Keep from Crying

Tyler Perry allegedly has a play called 'Laugh to Keep from Crying" that is scheduled to be released early 2010. Though I do not know what the play will be about, the title, nevertheless, gives me insight into a biblical text. In Genesis 18 we learn about Sarah, Abraham's wife. There we see that angels come to Abraham and they ask him about his wife Sarah. They also inform Abraham that in one year his wife will have a child. After overhearing this conversation, Sarah laughed to herself and then she noted how old she and Abraham were--she was close to eighty and Abe was close to 100. I believe Sarah laughed that day because of two reasons. First, she laughed because she knew it was biologically impossible for a woman her age to have a child. Second, she laughed because the notion of her having a child had been a painful topic for her for many years. In that day, women who could not bear children were viewed as less than. Furthermore, because every man wanted a son--heir to his possessions--they also dealt with the pressure of knowing their husband was disappoint about their inability to have children. So, when Sarah laughed, she actually laughed to keep from crying. Her laugh didn't reflect happiness, it was deceptive symbol of her saddness. The reality is many of us do the same sometimes, we laugh to keep from crying. We have cried over somethings so long until our tear ducts are dry; it's not even possible to cry anymore, so we laugh. Well, the good news in the text is that God shows us that he will always have the last laugh. Despite her history, God made good on his word and Sarah gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. My point in this blog is to encourage everyone to never reach a point in which you stop believing the impossible cannot be done. Just as it happened in Sarah's life, I believe it can happen in yours.


Madea Goes to Jail

"Madea Goes to Jail" is one of the funniest Tyler Perry plays I've ever seen. The most hilarious part of the movie to me is at the beginning when Madea does numerous extreme crimes such as pick up a car with a fork lift and try to fight the police. Though Madea knew she was wrong, she acted on impulse and ultimately landed herself in jail.
As I think about Madea's actions I cannot help but acknowledge that bad decisions always have consequences. The consequences of Madea's bad decisions landed her in jail.
A biblical character whose life parallels this instance in Madea's life is Jonah. God told Jonah to go to a certain place to spread the Word. However, he made the bad decision to board a ship and get far, far, far away from dodge. Jonah's disobedience--bad decision--ultimately landed him in the belly of the whale, which I view as a type of jail.
The reality is many of us are in some type of "jail" situation today because of bad decisions we may have made in the past. As we move forward, I want to encourage everyone to always remember to stop and think before you act. Taking a few seconds or minutes to think before we act could mean ensuring we are able to enjoy the future freedom God intends for all of us.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

$1 Million Dollar Donation

A lot of people are celebrating because Perry's recent donation to the NAACP. True, donors have contributed to the NAACP for many years, but Tyler Perry is celebrated because his donation is the largest single donation the organization has ever received.
Some may wonder why I chose to write this particular blog because it is a little different than the norm. I chose to write this blog because I think Perry's donation illustrates his commitment to Christ. I note this because I recently had a conversation with someone who said she would be surprised if Tyler Perry entered heaven because his movies and plays are just sinful. Yes, I laughed.
Tyler has noted in the past that he like to give back to the community because he is appreciative of how God has given him so much. As I reflect on the fact that he likes to give back to the community or those less fortunate, I cannot help but think of Jesus' comments in Matthew 25:35-36 where he states, "for i was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me." At the end of the day, Perry's generous donation will advance a lot of people. Without a doubt, God smiles whenever we step outside of our self zones and attempt to make other people's lives better. Will Perry's donation get him into heaven? No. But I do think his donation to the poor reflects what's in his heart, which is what Jesus is most concerned about.



I went to see the movie Precious the other day and it almost had me in tears. I kept asking myself, "Can anything else go wrong in that poor girl's life?" I mean she was abused by her mother, she was raped by her father, she was a single mother to two kids, she was around sixteen years old and was still in the eighth grade, and, to top it all off, she found out at the end of the movie that her father gave her HIV. Wow! Tough time!
Many of us who experience such hardships would begin to feel depressed and would probably want to check ourselves out of life (suicide). If Precious committed suicide most of us would be sad, but we would probably agree we can understand why. However, regardless of what happens in our life, we should always remember that our life still has significant value.
A text that comes to my mind about our value is Psalm 139:14 where the psalmist says, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are your works and my soul knows it well." As I consider this text, I can think of three reasons as to why we should always recognize that we have value.
First, we are valuable because God made us. The psalmist notes that he is special simply because he was created by God. Regardless of if his parents say he was a mistake, that does not negate his value because his existence was planned by God. A few years ago I went to Paris, France and had the opportunity to see the renowned Mona Lisa. Before I could enter the art gallery I was instructed on what I could and could not do once I entered. When I finally entered the gallery, I noted several police officers in the room, the painting had a barricade around it, and the painting was behind several inches of thick glass. After that experience I realized that if Michael Angelo can create a painting that receives so much respect, then surely anything created by the one who created Michael Angelo deserves nothing less. Since God mad you, you are valuable.
Second, we are valuable because all of creation demonstrates God's perspective of us. When God created Adam and Even, immediately after, he told Adam and Eve that everything belongs to them. I'd like to think of it as God giving us a special gift. When I was in high school I used to be very shy and I couldn't talk to girls. There was this one girl who I really liked, but I couldn't muster the words to tell her my feelings. Well, on Valenties, in an effort to express my love, I purchased her several gifts and I had her best friends to place them in her locker. When she opened the locker and saw the gifts, though I couldn't tell her how I felt, the gifts spoke for me. The same is true for God's gifts to us. The next time we feel down we should just look at the sensational sunset and realize that's God's way of saying we're valuable. When we have low self esteem we should just look at the marvelous moonlight or riveting roses and recognize that God thinks we're very special.
Finally, we are valuable because of what's inside of us. The psalmist said he is fearfully and wonderfully made and that his SOUL knows it well. Note, our soul houses our purpose and destiny. In other words, the psalmist is special because of what's inside of him. I once heard a story about a father who purchased all of his college daughter's books for her Spring semester. This was a Christmas gift. In an effort t make the boring gift look better, he went took them to gift shop and had them specially wrapped. When he gave her her gift on Christman, she instantly commented on how beautiful the outside looked. However, she then proceeded to unwrap the gift. Though the outside looked good, she unwrapped went beyond the outer wrapping because she knew that the most important gift was on the inside. What would change her life and the world wasn't the stuff on the outside, it was the stuff on the inside.
At the end of the day, regardless of everything that Precious went through, her name was still Precious. The same is true for all of us. Despite our trials and tribulations, our value never changes.

What's Done in the Dark

What’s Done in the Dark” is a play that first opened in September 2006. Most of it is about questionable activities that occur in the dark. One character, Brenda had a son who sold drugs, in the dark. A drug deal goes bad one day and Calvin gets shot. What was done in the dark, comes to light.Another character, Kerry, dated one of the doctors for years, in the dark. Kerry later discovers that the doctor has been married to another woman for years and his wife is pregnant. What was done in the dark, come to light. There was also a married couple in the play, the Lovetts, who discover they both have an STD. One of them had been cheating, in the dark. The wife blames the husband, but in the end we discover the wife was the one cheating. What was done in the dark, comes to light.
What’s done in the dark refers to the stuff we do when no one is watching. The stuff we hope our family, friends, and coworkers will never discover about us. It is the stuff that we know we shouldn’t be doing, but we do it anyway. What’s done in the dark is the stuff that if people found out they would say, "OMG! I never would have guessed in a million years that you—deacon, brother, minister, evangelist, missionary, pastor, sister so and so—would do such a thing. I expected so much more from you." In short, what's done in the dark refers to the sins we commit.
Interestingly, King David in II Samuel chapters 11 & 12 had a major "what's done in the dark comes to light moment" when he 1) slept with another man's wife 2) tried to manipulate the husband into sleeping with his wife to make it seem like the baby is his and 3) had the man killed because his plan failed. The rest of David's story teaches us three things about sin.
First, sin breeds other sins. David started out by looking at the woman. After looking for a while he began to covet (strongly desire) her. Coveting led him to sleep with her and commit adultery. Adultery led to a child and to cover up the child in told multiple lies. Because the lies didnt work, he ended up murdering the husband. Notice, it all began with one act, looking. Looking led to coveting and the rest is like a domino affect. We must be careful not allow ourselves to intentionally consider committing the smallest sins (though God doesn't rank them, you know what I mean:) because they usually serve as gateways to larger ones.
Second, sin always has consequences. Because David had the husband killed, one consequence is that he displeased God. A second consequence is that the child he conceived with Bathsheba died. Third, his punishment for committing the sins was that his own children would turn against him. Those few moments of lust resulted in years of heartache and pain. Benjamin Franklin once said, "Sin doesn't hurt because it is forbidden, it is forbidden because it hurts." At the end of the day, God doesn't want us to commit sin because he understands the pain it will cause us and those around us.
Finally, confession causes our sins to be forgiven. When David was confronted about his sins, his response was, "I have sinned against the Lord" (12:13). Immediately after his confession, the prophet tells him that his sins have been forgiven or taken away. David coveted his neighbors wife, but his sin was forgiven. David slept with another man's wife, but his sin was forgiven. David had a man killed, but his sins were forgiven. All I'm trying to say is that no matter how bad you think your sins are, they are never too bad for God to forgive. When we ask for forgiveness, God is faithful and just to forgive us. When you ask for forgiveness know that God's forgiveness means that God has taken them away. Since God has taken them away you should not live the rest of your life with the guilt of what you've done. If God can let it go, so should you.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Diary of a Mad Black Woman

Dear Diary,

My name is Hagar and I'm the Egyptian slave discussed in Genesis 21:8-21. I was introduced when my master Sarah, Father Abraham's wife, decided to let me marry her husband so that I could do what she couldn't, get pregnant. Hold up! What she did was permitted by law. Well, Abraham successfully got me pregnant. Now you would think that everyone would be happy since Abraham, who was eight plus years old, finally produced an heir. From the time I got pregnant until Abraham kicked me and my son out fourteen years later, there was much tension between Sarah and me.
Because of the way Sarah treated me--literally like a dog--I had every right to be mad. She did everything she could to make my life a living hell, which included her husband kicking me and a teenage boy out the house with a few sandwiches and bottles of water that ran out before night fall. Nevertheless, God was with me and Ishmael and me every step of the way. God sent an angel to us the same day to care for us while we aimlessly wondered through the wilderness. In addition, God mad away for my son to grow up and be very successful. The fact that he still became successful despite the fact that he didn't have the presence of a daddy is an example of how God will care for the the oppressed, depressed, and dispossessed.
I guess I wrote this entry because I want to inform everyone that God will take of you and yours if you continue to trust in him. Because of all the good things that happened to me despite all the bad, I actually think the name of my diary should be changed from the diary of a mad black woman to the diary of a glad black wowan because I wouldn't have all that I have had I not gone through all that I went through. in short, all of the trouble opened the door for my triumph.


Hagar, a glad black woman

I Can Do Bad All By Myself

A surface level analysis of April's (leading character in the movie) life will leave you thinking she had a pretty good life. I mean she had a job, a big house, nice clothes, a great singing voice, friends, and a man. However, a closer look will reveal she only had the appearance of success. A closer analysis reveals she hated her job, the big house was raggedy, she was mean to all her friends and family,and her man was actually someone else's man. As the movie continued to unravel I began to realize that one of the reason's her life was so bad is because she had a bad man in it.

I wonder how many of us are living below our potential because we've surrounded ourselves with "bad" people--people who, at the end of the day, only care about their well-being. Anyone that we allow into our life should bring joy, peace, and happiness. They should contribute to us becoming all that God has created us to be. However, as in April's case, we often allow people into our life who encourage us to be content with mediocrity. But how long will you settle? What will it take for you to finally wake up and realize how dangerous it is for you to allow certain to stay in your life? Unfortunately, April didn't realize the detriment of Randy's presence in her life until he tried rape Jennifer. Will it take you or someone you dear to you being raped of their hopes and dreams before you decide to issue eviction papers?

I encourage everyone today to do an assessment of their life and if you discover that someone adds more bad than good to your life, then you should let them go. At the end of the day, if you're going to do bad, you might as well do bad by yourself because then you have one less mouth to worry about:)


Hosue of Payne

For everyone who has seen House of Payne, have you ever noticed that the last name of all the main characters is Payne: Clarence Payne, Curtis Payne, Ella Payne, Malik and Jazmine Payne. They each have different first names, but the same last name. I believe that is symbolic of the fact that each of them struggles with a unique type of Payne (pain). I also believe we all can identify with at least one character and their personal pain.

Clarence Payne deals with the pain of losing his wife to an addiction and the pain of being a single parent. Curtis Payne deals with the pain that comes from the stress of knowing he is the main bread winner for everyone who lives in his house. Ella Payne deals with the pain that all good mothers experience which is everyone's pain because she hurts whenever someone else hurts. Malik deals with the pain of not knowing if his absent parent will ever get their life together. And little Jasmine deals with the pain of not getting the attention she craves from her father. It has been said that home is where the heart is. Well, I believe since that's true, that means home is also where the most hurt is.

In Matthew 9 we read about a rich ruler named Jarius who also understood what it means to live in the house of pain because his daughter died. However, because two things happened, Jarius' house transformed from the house of pain to the house of gain.

First, Jarius invited Jesus to his house. Jarius, a rich ruler, went out the way to extend a personal invitation to Jesus because he knew that Jesus was the only person who was able to transform his house. We all should be like Jarius and extend a personal invitation for Jesus to come and dwell in our house. I beleive their is much pain in our home or in many of our rooms because we bar Jesus from entering. But when you grant Jesus an all access pass he will go through you house and touch everything that hurts. As the old song says, "Just one touch from the master's hand will make everything alright.

The second thing that needs to happen is that we all need to put some people out of our house. When Jesus arrived at the house, because of Jewish custom, the house will filled with professional mourners. Jesus attempted to bring hope to the hurting parents, but the mourners stood in the way. As a result, Jesus put everyone out the house except the parents. Jesus then grabbed the parents by the hand and took them into the girls rooms. It's possible some of our homes are in pain because we have too much interference from people who do not live there--people who do not have anything to gain if a transformation occurs. Therefore, we need to restrict the precence of outsiders--single friends, in-laws,BFF, etc.--so that the core family unit can focus on the healing process.

If you follow these two steps, I believe you and your family can begin (notice I say begin becasue I do believe other steps should be taken such as counseling) the transformation from house of pain to house of gain.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Madea's Family Reunion: I'm not Mad at Ya!

In "Madea's Family Reunion" a fight breaks out between a mother and daughter: Victoria and Vanessa. The fight is the culmination of tension that existed between mother and daughter throughout Vanessa's life. Vanessa's father abandoned Victoria when she was very young and Victoria therefore had to market herself as a single mother. Victoria was able to get married, but at a detrimental price for Vanessa because she knowingly allowed the new stepfather to rape her daughter. Because of the malicious way Victoria treated Vanessa most of her life, no one was disappointed when Vanessa tried to slap the color off her mother's face during their brawl at the reunion.
The scene from the movie makes me think of another family reunion and fight that no one would have questioned had it occurred. The reunion I speak of is found in Genesis 42 where Joseph's brothers encounter him for the first time since they forced him into slavery more than fifteen years ago. The brothers come to Joseph because their is a famine in the land and because his new position as prime minister of Egypt made him responsible for food distrubtion. The most interesting aspect about this encounter is that contrary to popular opinion, Joseph does not desire revenge. Better yet, Joseph isn't even mad at his brothers. The reason he is not mad is because his mature assessment of the events that transpired because of his brothers' evil intentions helped him realize that their malicious plans actually helped him attain his dream. Instead of fighting, Joseph actually fed his brothers and blessed them with gifts because "what they intended for evil, God turned into something beneficial" (Gen 50:20).
What's the point? The point is when we encounter persons who have harmed us, instead of seeking revenge, we should thank them because an assessement of our life will more than likely reveal we have increased--naturally or spiritually--in some way or another. Their ill plans may have led you to pray more, read the Bible more, go to church more, work harder, or plan better. In short, enounters with enemies should be a time of blessings, not curses.


The Family That Preys

A man named Chris in the movie “The Family that Preys” had big dreams of starting a business. Chris talked about his dream almost every day. Unfortunately, Chris was married to a woman named Andrea who bashed and refused to support his dream. The person who should have been his biggest cheerleader turned out to be his biggest critic.
Sadly, many of us can identify with Chris because our biggest critics are the people who live, sleep, and eat with us every day. It’s one thing for outsiders to disbelieve our potential, but it’s another—more hurtful—thing when our own blood does the same thing.
Home court disadvantage is not a new phenomenon. Joseph in Genesis 37 also had to figure out how to score a winning shot in life while being double teamed, elbowed, and fouled by his own teammates--his brothers--who didn't want him to get a shot off. Like Chris and us, his teammates bashed his dreams and refused to support them.
Despite the technical foul that landed Joseph in the pit, Potiphur's house, and the prison, he triumphed and achieved his championship dream. How did he rebound enough to come back and achieve his dream? He achieved his dream because he and his legendary teammate, God, comprised the ultimate dream team. Joseph achieved his dream because his teammate not only drove the ball to the basket and dunked numerous times, he also had a tripple double--multiple assists, blocks, and steals.
At the end of the day, we will always deal with opposition when it comes to trying to achieve our goals. However, regardless of if the opposition manifests in the form of a friend or foe, brother or sister, aunt or uncle, mother or father, we must trust that as long as we don't trade our MVP, God, we will always triump.


Theology of Tyler Perry

I am excited to announce that I recently started a new sermon series entitled "Cues from the Culture: The Theology of Tyler Perry." Now, I will admit I have received much criticism from both young and old for titling a series after the work of Tyler Perry. My own grandmother even disagreed with this series on the basis that some of the things which take place in his movies and plays such as cursing, promoting drug use, random acts of violence, etc. should automatically disqualify his projects from any religious association. I, on the other hand, think his work is, in many ways, an accurate reflection of the complexities of life, both Christian and non-Christian. The reality is we all know a Joe (Madea's brother) who still likes to smoke weed; we know an old person (Madea) who constantly threatens everyone, but really wouldn't hurt a fly and would help anyone who asks;we all can identify with someone in House of Payne; we know women who are/have been abused: verbally, physically, and emotionally. Nevertheless, in the midst of it all, we still experience God, the power of Scripture, and the relevance of the Church. Is this sermon series radical? Jesus wouldn't think so because he used a plethora of cultural cues to reveal lessons about God and life. With that as a model, I do believe this series will enrich each of us grow as we mature in our knowledge of God and self. Please be on the lookout for my next post.

Theology of Tyler Perry