Thursday, December 3, 2009

Why Did I Get Married

I've heard numerous people say that "Why Did I Get Married" is the best movie Perry has every made. The short synopsis of the movie is that several married couples gathered for a weekend trip to search their soul and discuss why they decided to marry their spouses. Though most of the marriages were good, numerous "bad" things happened over time that made them ponder if they made they right decision; if they needed to stay with their spouses.
As I think about the fact that those couples raised that question in the movie, I believe God has asked himself that question billions of time. The NT Testament speaks about how God is married to the church and that we are his bride. I'm sure if any of us were to take a short evaluation of some of the things we've done just today, we would have to agree we haven't been the best partner to God. But we are not the first ones to disappoint God. The Israelites in the Old Testament did the same. In an effort explain how God feels when we do "bad" things, God used the prophet Hosea to tell the story about his cheating wife. At the end of the day, despite all the cheating and illegitimate kids she had, Hosea took his wife back because he loved her and, most importantly, because he made a covenant to remain in relationship in sickness and health, good or bad, until death do us apart.. The same is true for us. Regardless of how much wrong we do, God still loves us and he honors his covenant.


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